Italian model railroad in N scale: ... ZZATO AS A BEAST! The spiritual journey of
I'm an Italian model railroad in N scale and being an Italian model railroad in N scale are always, always pissed like a beast!
One time I was a mild model railroad. I've always had three souls: accazerista style Italian-French, in love with Lima but that welcomes other brands, especially vintage, Märklin, who loves and adores M binary type-cast metal locomotive and coaches / wagons sheet, especially American ; ennista in Italian style, our borders and even American. The last, the soul now, by dint of being in pain for years, it made me pissed off like a beast!
And certainly not the American way, nor for those of a frontier ennista Italian ... But why you should always beat a lot more of his fellow Europeans to cultivate their passion with rolling our own? Leave aside the Americans and the "Americanists" (I'm out!), N scale models are the most fortunate of the world and if they spoil many manufacturers of model trains, also in N. Let's talk about model railroad Europeans who makes German-style course "sbulacca" ... who is French, is also ... well ... who does English Switzerland who does, say, gloats that he too ... who is Austrian, not is not worse than we already ... AND WE?
Here I am saying here and deny it ... ready to put his finger on!
(My "flagship", not what looks like a HO ... imbelinavano Como once!)
In the beginning were Rivarossi and Lima, who gave us several models from the mid '60s to the '80s. Lima was in the catalog is 444,001, and 424 and D 341 as well as coaches Y 138 mm. RR produced series E 444, D 341 and beautiful carriages X long to exact scale. All mixed up with different models of freight wagons. The duo were undermined by the odd man out Tibidabo, the company Piedmont Gianfranco Bianco (Arnaldo Pocher probably with the myth behind the scenes ...) which produced the E 626, the steam gr. And some 835 carriages and wagons dating back approximately III were also made molds to reproduce the "Queen" gr. 685 ever produced. Then, a number of smaller producers among which: Cestaro, which produced, inter alia, a fine and 645 Series I, ARMO, which produced among other things, E 428, placing in, with a choice between different electric locomotives; Euromodellismo, author of, among other things, an E 412; Riviermodel, or the dawn of CLM. There are others, certainly not be able to put them all here, I apologize ...
A inizio anni ’90, l’avventura Minitrain, iniziata con Lima e destinata a svilupparsi sotto l’egida RR. Vi furono cosucce interessanti anche nelle carrozze, come le letti TEN e le francesi Corail per servizi internazionali, ce le ho e sono carine soprattutto le seconde. Vi furono riedizioni di alcune locomotive Lima con trasmissione a cardani e vi fu una breve collaboration with Hobbytrain.
Minitrain Notice how, in his later years of life under the brand Rivarossi, as he had expected no other than the new locomotives E 645 and E 646, the stuff of a heart attack. A pity that this shot was not scored, I would buy the racing both
Competition from producers foreign material is consistent in tow, with Roco and Arnold in particular to bring the Z-Eurofima since late '70s. The Austrian had also proposed to us, from the 80's, its beautiful floats "a fixed pocket for transporting semi-cast metal. In addition, some homes have put in the catalog version of steam locomotives "Italianate", that means foreigners who have moved for various reasons in our country. I mention for the record, but for me these models were not crabs value: just tastes like a pat on the shoulder or a sop but not accounted for by the companies concerned, a significant effort to work on the Italian market for the N scale
Frankly, we could save him.
Then, " slowly and slowly, "as they say in my country, oblivion. Rivarossi and Lima, worn out by the ups and downs in their corporate changes, they left their young brand Minitrain die, leaving his fate too brief collaboration with Hobbytrain. Reappears in the new millennium with the house today Tibidabo Slovenian Mehano with N scale rolling our own: the E 424 and 444R and in their various colors, from 2002 to 2005, then silence. Around these years, ACME, a new manufacturer at the time of take-off stage, handing out beautiful cars on a scale of 1:160 of Mr. Fraticelli, alias Fratix which carried out the E 402A ... another dream that he danced a few summers before dreams of ending up like the dawn. Develop the activities of several small brands but alone can not tackle the desert that has been created for the N scale Italian-style ... something that made me always, always pissed off like a beast!
Ora, vediamo cosa succede nell’Italia in 1:160!
I tried to remember everyone, I have tried to document as best I could: I apologize since d ' now if I forgot about this / that producer or this / that model.
Cominciamo dagli artigiani e piccoli produttori che comunque sviluppano limitati volumi di modelli. Essi hanno parzialmente ravvivato il deserto di cui sopra, se riesco vi metto anche il link.
I've found no website but I think that Mr. Gianfranco Bianco is alert, cunning and prepared to shoot the tiger Shere Khan as the "Jungle Book" ... I will consider the still active. I do not understand how no one offers to work together to undertake a joint production of rolling stock No scale It could be a new major manufacturer, such as ViTrains. Or a fellow "small" as soon as I will mention those that are doing things very well.
What has recently , you can find it with a little 'luck on the use and in any event at prices that are crazy. The 835 is still holding question-and especially the ultraquarantenne E 626 is still going strong! Personally, the latter but I would gladly pay a few euro more to fund a redesign of the forklift, you deserve it ... and us! Good coaches also "type 1921" (despite the underbody not alive ...), in different liveries, and the various proposed 2-axle freight wagons. The recent collaboration with Mehano 444R E and E are also 424 in their various colors.
La produzione è aggressiva come il nome che porta e presenta una buona qualità costruttiva, sia delle locomotive che delle carrozze e carri merci. Segnalo in particolare la locomotiva E 402 di preserie e le carrozze Z in various versions. There is also the electromotive Ale 582, with its trailer. The prices are proportionate to the volume production of the company, but not to stratospheric levels. Although this post does not deal specifically with freight rolling stock, are noteworthy for their grain wagons.
This company is the result of marriage between ACAR and LoCo. There are some locomotive type E 402A, E 645/646, E 656 and E 464 recently, finished in a good way but with some perfect details (written, portelli, griglie), soprattutto a fronte di prezzi non troppo accessibili. Comunque i modelli appena citati hanno sotto le scocchette delle belle meccaniche e il loro funzionamento è stato giudicato molto buono. Migliore la finitura della bella automotrice Ale 840 e delle carrozze a piano ribassato proposte nelle sue varie colorazioni. La ditta propone anche le elettromotrici “Varesine” E 623 e l’elettrotreno ETR 200.
Festival "article" means all generations machines Bo-Bo-Bo is played by the company in Genoa. And by 636 "isabella-brown" and "XMPR" and 656 in the livery of "eastern blue-gray mist, passing, and 645" brown-isabella "E 646" misty gray-green magnolia "," shuttle "and "Blue Train". Rates from heart attack, but scocchette are cast metal and Mabuchi motors. Some model railroad that have had the chance to buy their models have reported the excellent customer service.
If you visit the site, take two more minutes and click on the "curiosity". Shown are the models made by a fan who uses materials "sports" as plasticard and the like. How nice that is ... how I envy him ... that makes me ... futta
Lidia Santi has taken a production of rolling stock in 1:160 scale, starting from the world of coaches Centoporte. The price is not excessive, the cheapest starting at € 41 and the quality is good. We will see the next news.
The volcanic Marco Gallo, former owner of Almamodels, has devised a model railroad association that aims to create models in N to sell at cost price from among its members, which can also be directly involved in the implementation of their prototypes, for the exclusive use or to share in small series production within the same association. Belle and the 402B and the "Centoporte, very interesting in the carriages to isostatic support the project. The current annual membership fee is 100 € and is especially convenient for those who want to invest in several models of the association, whose prices are not high: for example, € 95 for an E 402B, ditto for a D 342 and 30 for a "Centoporte. Look for thickening a fleet of rolling stock in a few moves, we have made the epoch III could be a good idea.
Assoenne recently struck a deal with Eurotrain, for the eventual sale of its discontinued models from the same association. If he can maintain a good price policy, the firm of Marco Gallo is going to make too afraid to larger producers.
HiTech Railroad Modelling
range of 2-axle freight wagons is quite fed, well-made models and good prices. Less affordable locomotives, with a nice gr. 835 E 424 steel and a bad shame that it has the trucks do not conform to the original, is not acceptable, compared to the price of € 150-175 depending on version.
Among the products of the brand Alessandro Pone, nice carriages signals era III, two-axis color "Castano-Isabella", including a postal wagon. Possibility of discounts for members ASN.
In the catalog are representative of interesting locomotives, such as electric E 424, E 428, E 444, E 636, E 645, E 646, E 402 A and the steam generators 740, 691. Also present was the electric train ETR 300 "Seven of Diamonds." Models well made and with all respect to mechanical engines (Faulhaber), but with prices that would require a mortgage ...
Fine Scale Munich
The German company offers, in particular D 345, E 360-phase, 442/448 pair of railcar Aln TEE; coaches "type 1921" and " Centoporte "in their different versions. Very well done. Given the volume of production, the price of launching into ... Superenalotto!
I modelli prodotti dalle ditte appena citate prima o poi si troveranno nel mercato dell’usato, dove coesisteranno con articoli di cessata produzione
Rimpiango ad esempio le bellissime carrozze “Gran confort” di Fratix, già citate in the post, which also produced copies of the family "middle distance". It 'a shame that this company has closed its doors ... could someone perhaps his legacy? ... Maybe just those who distributed? ... We accept bets ...
Cestaro. His E 645 are still their terrible figure. Who is used, not if you let it go!
We also talked about the Railway Cayman? Again, interesting stuff ...
A About di mercato dell’usato, esaminiamo un filone di elaborazioni fermodellistiche sviluppatosi pochi anni fa grazie a una raccolta edita, nelle edicole italiane, dalla Delprado, che proponeva modelli statici di locomotive europee e non in scala N. Tu acquistavi una e 428, oppure una francese CC 72000 ecc e ti veniva la scimmia di volerlo motorizzare: come? Ecco comparire come funghi kit di motorizzazione delle giapponesi Tomix e Kato che facevano al caso nostro. Oppure telai completi di motore e rodiggio della vecchia Almamodels (un articolo del genere è ancora in catalogo Assoenne), raffinati e con potenti motori Kato. Altri modellisti sviluppavano proprie soluzioni come quelle dei soci ASN per motorizzare E 645 ed E 428 (addirittura con micromotori discarded computer hard drives from that crazy ...). Some models were well finished, others unfortunately, as the three-phase and 550, were Scarsini. But sometimes, rather than nothing, better than just a base and turn it like a glove to have something satisfying!
We also do a summary of what we find, use, the production of large old homes. Especially of locomotives and passenger coaches.
Lima. And 444,001, D 341, E 424 and Y carriages 138 mm long, even the French could be of interest Y for international trains. The range Minitrain repeated the selection of the latest machines in the mid-engine and mechanical transmission universal joints, among the new coaches at length scale include the X "gray-red liver, even the trunk, TEN beds and French series" Corail ". If you like the settings of the border, there was also the TGV Paris Sud-Est.
Rivarossi. E 444 standard with drive shaft, and D 341; X now coaches long to exact scale of Class I and II, in the color "slate gray" and "gray-red liver "plus luggage.
Arnold. Coaches Z "Eurofima" XMPR and "two-tone gray long to exact scale. Coaches X "gray-red liver." Y Cabs French but with long "short".
Minitrix. X Cabs recently produced, leaving the roof ribs surprisingly typical of German. They could avoid ...
Roco. Coaches Z, from "Eurofima" recent XMPR, through the "Flag" and shades of gray. In addition to some SNCF Corail.
In addition, of course, all the foreign coaches who we could meet with international trains, but it is independent from this post, these models will be found anytime, anywhere!
So, our market for the N scale is not without boiling more or less large, there is turmoil, there are initiatives to somebody before the doorway the ears, or not.
said the legendary journalist Antonio Lubrano ""...: but the question arises why, despite everything, I feel like a model railroad Italian" ennista "always, always pissed off like a beast?
I keep wondering where are the big European manufacturers of model trains, that's why!
big houses, is not that there are not at all, but we are not daring enough.
Currently, the various sets in a : 160 must be strong rolling stock operators, foreigners, who undertake the daily Italian tracks not only goods wagons or carriages for international trains, but also electric and diesel locomotives. In addition, no new vice several large producers, it is proposed to our market models of rolling stock "Italianate", especially steam or diesel locomotivette foreign operation for various reasons they were acquired by our railway authorities. We will care in general with the above, because the soil of foreign models of cars we can find in Italy is always fertile, ditto for freight wagons and the steam generators prey belliche. Noi cercheremo di valutare soprattutto la situazione delle locomotive e delle carrozze FS, cioè l’aspetto più critico e carente.
politensioni Several locomotives such as Re 474 and Re 484 SBB Cargo, and 189 of Dispolok and ES64 F4 NordCargo. Two beautiful set of three coaches in version X "gray-red liver, eventually without the painful ribs cross on the roof. Coaches to SBB Eurocity that can be seen in Italy, including the impressive panoramic car.
The company currently has Slovenian in the catalog, not just interesting for Italy, the tractor diesel Vossloh G2000 SBB Cargo livery. Or do you take the monkey to buy it and then recolor ...
E 'the year of the fiftieth anniversary and the House is getting up with broken bones after the vicissitudes the last decade. You see a catalog of several different locomotives private operators, including a beautiful Bombardier 186 E Line. The coaches are always available in version X "gray-red liver."
LS Models
To transport passengers there are, in addition to the fine charter TUI "Ferien Express", a variety of international coaches who come in Italy, but not FS is nothing in the catalog.
Steam locomotive gr. 460 (ex KPEV G8), but there are spoils of war II-era III coaches, three-axle or bogie, nice. Rather than anything we leave arm in arm with what remains of Roco in 1:160, inter alia, under the watchful eye of Gieffeci that certainly will not stop urging the House to do more on the front FS.
Locomotive politensioni ES64 F4-MRCE Dispolok, E 189 and E SBB Cargo 474, and 474 of NordCargo. TUI coaches. Convoy of SBB TEE Rae II. Steam locomotive FS gr. 473.
The recent entry into production of the "Pendolino ETR 600/610 has a pretty good shake to the market. When the models will be in shop windows, we'll see if they are really well done as they seem. In the meantime, hope is the last to die, if you decide to call home in Milan to Mr. Fraticelli you need to put on the market the beautiful pieces of Fratix (sigh) ...
Italian model railway will be for us many interesting things, well made and with good mechanical properties. Sins that most of the models available in an assortment of large houses in large part derived from existing models of other railway administrations: great strength!
not enough. You can not go on forever with war booty, 213 motor vehicles, trains and TRAXX Eurosprinter etc.etc. thats why Im always, always pissed off like a beast. Why are the Italians who want to enjoy model railroad scale N in Italian style have first of all need models FS.
It 's a shame, because the land on which to develop an application for such models would fertile. I could fly over the landscape of artisan producers nutritissima or however small: instead I tried to do an overview to show that if there are all these actors, the demand is definitely there. A market of potential buyers who can not be disregarded by the European Case.
What models might be put on the market? Representative models for their dissemination on the network FS or for some special features, or by relevance. It could be a 636, or E 646 or a "Caiman". One of the "Turtles." And a 633. A E 424 or E 464, small but popular in their respective eras. Even a diesel, like the D 345. I do not claim now a steamer, but would result in a nice 740 or 685 (unless Tibidabo did not pull out a gasp and finally dies of his 685, maybe). Producing such a locomotive would give a signal of wanting to invest in the Italian market and it could be well rewarded.
not have to be a model "full option": you could place a model in several versions: for example, a "base" set-top box and an already digitized, with perhaps the finest type the Sommerfeldt pantographs or other niceties, and diversify the price to bring both the novice modeller. And why not, also a kit version. Are not transcendental ideas, we had tried in HO Rivarossi long time ago.
should be a greater effort for the railway passenger coaches, I want something new that is not the usual X or Eurofima or TEN. Something is moving already, see Fleischmann. For example, there is a considerable gap can be filled with models like the "Centoporte", the "Corbellini" and also "1946/1959". Even the "TEE / Grand Confort" deserve attention.
Who might be suitable, among the great houses, to give a steer on this?
And so to produce one or more N scale railway models that are missing in our market?
The ACME Italian and ViTrains are young and upwardly mobile, they are demonstrating some vitality. In addition, we said, the company has prepared the first tilting electric trains ETR 600 (Trenitalia) and ETR 610 (Cisalpino) in 1:160. It would be great to embark upon the production of both models at this scale. Forces are fresh and lively, they have no problem to send to make the molds in the East to streamline their production processes as opposed to other glorious homes, so their history is to be written (or, in the case of Vicenza, in the sense of mending optimistic) could both have their say.
The group Hornby has the Arnold Natural continuer of its production No scale In addition to having to turn to the historical German brand, you should consider the possibility of entrusting Rivarossi, or even in Lima, the recovery of a line of Italian models in N scale than in the past had given her reputation. At the moment, it is unlikely that it will happen. Although Lima and RR can diversify their range compared Arnold, now Hornby aims to consolidate existing production without embarking on other adventures. I fear that similar dreams for now we can forget them.
Modelleisebahn is the group that includes the brands Roco and Fleischmann. The German brand is now the only Unfortunately, the two that follow the N scale and made a small step forward with the steam generator 460 and the old cars and trucks with three axles progenitor of "Centoporte. I hope this is the start of a series and we hope it will help to increase the range Gieffeci Italian, with the same vitality that for decades shows HO ... you, for example, if you think one day they came out a surprise, kind And a 636 ... a D 345 E 412 ... even a small baby ...?
There is no need to mention other manufacturers 'industrial', it is easy to see who we left behind because they do not think there will be no surprises in the near future. Moreover, the time when the E 626 HO Roco came on the market, firms excluded from the list just mentioned made no effort to counter it ...
Let's stop here. The part of the post that tells me model railroad "stark mad" is in effect at the end: the big houses are my targets. When I started writing, I was approached with a modicum of skepticism to the world of small Italian producers in 1:160 but I had to think again: This world is vital and healthy. Examine it worth it to understand that the market fermodellistico "ennista" is not a wasteland but a potentially very fertile ground in which the "big" industrial producers of trains in N must go meeting. Next, a little effort please.
The survey of small N scale Italian producers may have some gaps. I am a fan since 1970 but am not an expert, I may have left something / someone on the street and I apologize.
I hope you enjoyed. There are many photos, very few indeed. The risk of encouraging some people forgetting others is always around the corner ... I have reserved a few pictures here and there and nothing else. Maybe if I lose my "monkey" to refresh the post, a few more pics would be there. Maybe.
Thanks to those who read me. For those who did not want all or syrups for those who do not like it, thank you.
Starting from the 3rd photo, and except that here the model above Arnold, images in this post are all from the blog , whom I thank for the availability and where you can find further information.