Thursday, September 9, 2010

Running Nose For My Infant

Megarails - Part II


Yeah ... one to two meters. When Dad asked me if I wanted to build a model I looked at him as if he spoke Arabic. But in the end I understood: a place to run my trains without all the times to assemble and disassemble the binary. Curiously, when I mount and unmount my (er, her ...) old Märklin I completely exhaust the nerves. So instead it was the opposite: the plastic was no longer a big game.
who knows what seemed to have in your hands: Oval double track with small goods yard and two traffic lights. Connect the electrical trade I owned was how to mount the shuttle! Only problem, the "transformer" Lima 2056, heralded as suitable for driving two trains but melted twice. The problem is solved with the model 2057, with both DC and AC outlet so I could drive the trains and trade with a single transformer. Lima also had a 2055 with only AC output to connect the traffic lights. Both processors have come running to this day: Il 2055 a 14V ~ per scambi, semafori e accessori vari; il 2057, assieme a un "gemellino" acquistato più avanti, profondamente modificati e ora elettronici con schema Darlington e comando logaritmico...è più grosso il dissipatore dei transistor che tutto il contenitore.
Una volta montato il tracciato e finito i collegamenti elettrici, sistemo stazione e casette varie, sempre Lima, e accenno timidamente il paesaggio. "Accennare timidamente il paesaggio" significava colorare con vecchie tempere e colori ad olio e imitare la massicciata intorno ai binari, la terra, i prati e i giardini delle casette. Vecchie pagliette da piatti gialle e verdi sbriciolate fungevano da siepi o, con stecchette delle packs of soldiers Atlantic, by small trees. A beautiful gallery of decorated Lima, who still use plastic on the current, completed the furnishings.
In the meantime, to keep company with French and Italian BB 9200 E 444 and E 424, E reaches the desired 646. Was different from the others: headlights, heavier, and seemed even more powerful. My childhood was a myth, along with sister and 645, having both many times while traveling in the mountains between Genoa, Turin and Oulx. Later joined the gang and a nice 656.
In addition, each time a new car goods or a new coach. My father has even managed to hide a carriage bogie in an easter egg! Dad let me vent was extraordinary in the model railroad with what I had available, without strafogarmi of useless things, until he could not guess when I needed new challenges in the game. I was watching the evening, when I played with the young man in the dark plastic, with only the lights of locomotives and traffic lights. And he began to take strange things to enrich our small biz ola work ...
I did not know he was a "marklin" but suspicions arose about his past when a fermodellistico day he appeared with the trees for the plastic, much like those on the side. In addition, I brought some strange green sawdust of the same brand and a roll of a hairy pad of the same texture, green and another mark. Cut out the carpet and placed the scraps here and there in the model, replacing the oil paint, and filling the gaps with sawdust laid with green glue. It was the beginning of the next stage, it was time to "raise the tone," my toy trains wanted something more from their habitat!
It 's the same feeling as a driver of the 60 who buy the 1100 ... then the change and buy another one again ... until ... not seen for the first time the 125!