Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Windowblinds 7 Changing Sid

Concerti estemporanei on-line.

In questi ultimi anni c’e’ una tendenza a filmare gli arstisti che si esibiscono in posti diversi che sul palcoscenico. Solitamente, questi eventi, sono acustici e filmati professionalmente da registi indipendenti. Una posizione contro la moda diffusa di mettere su internet dei filmati, di scarsa qualita’, di concerti, registrati dai fans di tutto il mondo per mezzo dei loro cellulari. Filmati che hanno per risultato di generare un’idea distorta dell’artista e dell’evento. Le sessioni musicali acustiche sono filmate da giovani registi indipendenti e sono il risultato di un’incontro tra cinema e musia che offre allo spettatore un modo diverso e intimo per conoscere gli artisti. Molte volte filmati in spontaneously in a break from the recording studio or between an interview and another, between two stages of the tour, the artists give the impression of playing more 'for their entertainment to fill another job promozinoale. A modern way of documenting the music and leave the artist a different place and quality 'to express themselves, which seems to have agreed to a large number of artists like The Kooks , National , Beirut, Patrick Watson , Piers Faccini and many many more. The idea of \u200b\u200bthese sessions and music 'started from Chryde, the founder of Blogotheque who wanted to find a different way to share music on the Internet. The meeting with Vincent Moon, an independent French, and 'was crucial to be able to publish videos of musical quality' beyond reproach. It has been almost five years and has accumulated Blogotheque more 'than 200 artists live in unlikely places (churches, fountains, markets, zoos, lounges, elevators, subways, shops, ect ect ..) and given the success of the follow- public, including the Burberry wanted to begin its live sessions: Acoustic Burberry, dressing young budding musicians. During these five years, also appeared websites that use the sites to sound quite unique and original artists. By taxi Londoners of BlackCabSessions , the dry cleaning of DirtyLaundryTV the balconies around the world BalconyTV , down to the gazebo park in London BandstandBusking . For a complete list of the various sites offering the live sound, you can click on The Music Session . During a summer afternoon last year, I had the chance to attend a Bandstandbusking of Frightened Rabbit, Hundred Hands in , Sky Larkin and Vivian Girls. There was a slight breeze gently stirred the trees, children chased each other around the gazebo, the old men sitting on benches and passers-by bike looked with curiosity ', those who ate a sandwich, some drank coffee. He breathed a general relaxation of both the public and musicians as if it was in their backyard. A festive occasion, celebration of pure music sharing that too often gets lost at the expense of traditional formats: the stage, set pre-set to 90 minutes, amplification and lighting spot-lights. The existence of alternative channels for promoting music also exists in the digital age, a different angle to consider the musician, with one condition: Do not wear a Burberry raincoat.

Grappling Hook Templates

Mouthpiece mess in the house!

Gabriella Buontempo, moglie del deputato di Fli Italo Bocchino, era a conoscenza da due anni e mezzo di una relazione del marito con Mara Carfagna. Lo ha rivelato lei stessa in un'intervista a "Vanity fair" pubblicata sul numero in edicola mercoledì. «Da quanto tempo sapeva di suo marito e Mara Carfagna?» chiede il settimanale. «Che c'era una relazione? - risponde Buontempo - Da due anni e mezzo». «E non ha mai chiesto a suo marito di interromperla?» ha chiesto ancora Vanity. «Italo - ha replicato la signora - sostiene di averla troncata. Per carità, l'avrà troncata: lei si è fidanzata, ora dice che si sposa»
.Buontempo poi conferma che lei e Italo Bocchino vivono still under the same roof and what is happening "in a marriage knows only husband and wife. Unfortunately he did not run well, because this story knew the whole House and at one point also came to my ear. I had to respond: I'm not going to go through the village idiot. " Gioda

Why When You Poop Do You Weigh More?

(NOT) Texas Chainsaw Massacre!

number zeroOoOoOo

In the beginning were the highways. As a child traveling with mom and dad on the highways in Liguria and Piedmont, in particular, A6, A7 and A10. I missed by a whisker of doubling the work of "camionale" Genoa - Serravalle, I lived with childlike curiosity and interest for doubling the number of yards before the Genoa Pegli - Albisola and then of Savona - Torino. I started over the years with my childhood memories and a few timid photo taken on the fly in the car race, to document and to get passionate about these highways, not only after they were born and how they were processed. In the case of the A6, I lived by car ... for a change "... zzato like a beast" the fast lane and central sections alternating with double continuous line.

Growing up, I noticed that the railroad could be born in one way and turn into another, for example by moving, doubling or divesting ... . I discovered once again a world of evolution of the network especially in Liguria, and then the Frejus railway node of Milan, the event incredible transformation "town". And so on. Today I enjoy af photographing, documenting and construction of small files, like what you see: driven by passion and curiosity which luckily never let me down, also inspired by myths and endless sites that I come with humility and admiration, such as "Disused Railways ( www.ferroviedismesse.com )," George Pond Web "(www .miol.it / stagniweb ), "Alpen Tunnel" ( www.alpentunnel.de ), to which I linked with these great pictures, and others who surely will forget, and I apologize.

Everything has a passion shared by both facilities: the galleries. Since early age excites me to enter the galleries on the car of my father (serious person, he, not like those unfortunates who suddenly slow down when you come!). All galleries interested me, little by little even the most unusual type the Alpine military Collardente Tunnel, Tunnel Parpapillon etc..
In this blog we talk every now and then a particular case of infrastructure, abandoned or significantly modified, especially rail and road, but maybe in the future ...