Saturday, December 20, 2008

30 Day Hiv Test Accurate


Oggi vi mostro due modelli dalla M.M ITALIANA che a differenza dei modelli fatti vedere prima ( wasa - a mphiom ) non sono in legno ma in resina e la difficoltà maggiore e la loro dimensione. Parliamo di due modelli in scala a 1:700 immaginate un po. Questi modelli were made for the two naval commands, ie a vessel for Zeffiro and the other for the cruiser door areomobili GIUSEPPE GARIBALDI.Per me it was a big honor to set up these two models MM ITALIAN pearl because they are very attached to a weapon where I have served the country and then because it is true tarantino the MM part of my being tarantino, the MM and of little worth without TARANTO TARANTO and without the MM, and nothing, history tells us that around the 'Arsenal Taranto and developed and old and I repeat maestanze years old up to M. Mun significant contribution to the development and maintenance of the fleet ITALIAN never forget TOSI yards where they were built and repaired submarines and models have navi.Tornando I have reallizati latter in the summer of 20007, with many difficulties, but the end result has rewarded me.

historical coat of arms arsenal MM TARANTO


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