Monday, March 22, 2010

What Is Open In Brampton On Christmas

When the bear lost his grip. Grizzly Bear - Roundhouse - London 13/03/2010

Two nights sold out for months for the American Grizzly Bear at the Roundhouse in London. The Roundhouse was built in the area of \u200b\u200bCamden in 1846 as a repair depot where locomotives, and 'definitely a fascinating place, which despite recent renovations, which cost more' than 40 million euro, continues to have a bad acoustics for concerts. The Grizzly Bear
climb on to the scene 21:30 acclaimed by audiences and anxiously opened the concert with "Southern Point" which also opens their latest work "Veckatimest" in 2009 and to follow the most 'popular "Cheerleader." If
disk can assoporare sottiglieze all of this psychedelic folk-jazz quartet of Brooklyn, in a sound that seems pure in spite of the complicated texture, is lost during the live of the different layers, making even the vocal harmonies very mundane and boring . On stage there
'un'atmostera party of the country, different lights dangling from trestles, a simple but not electrifying. And there 'will remark to know that Edward Droste and company have spent months and months locked in a small apartment to record music on tapes. All well-studied theoretically, clean and also try to convey simple emotions from the scene, measured by the ruler seem ripped from school. Their music is taking on people who attended the concert, a 90% of twentysomethings who seem to belong to a middle-class right-thinking of the English bourgeoisie. While I wonder why the Warp, known for its adventurous musical choices, he wanted a band sound so bland in its catalog, Victoria Legrand takes the stage and gives us his beautiful voice in "Two Weeks" and "Slow Life" and I regret a bit 'to have lost in the opening exhibition of his group Beach House. I hope for a turning point at this point of the concert, but once Legrand leaves the stage, it does nothing exciting. I just need to sit on a sofa and fall asleep to music best dreams.


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