L'arte di Piergiorgio Colautti
Some paints the past and those who paint the future, the seen and reviewed, and the fact redone.
be a coincidence, will be a combination, a fortunate fact, an omen. The point is always the same: the Italian art, especially contemporary art, for many decades, is in no way be held, has no official recognition and does not receive public funding, such as cinema, theater and sports.
No one has yet noticed, or pretend. It so happens that tourism in Italy is powered, largely, not from the sport, as many believe, but from art and cultural heritage in general.
artists, painters and sculptors, today suffer from a lack of exhibition space public, those few still available, for an exhibition require thousands of euro, money that the artist, who lives only for art, can not afford to pay.
invitations to exhibitions, the Venice Biennale and Quadrennial in Rome, are the sole prerogative of a few critical part, if not "hired" and crooked politicians, who are not interested in promoting the most talented or the best and never visit, as they should, their studies. And these shows are funded with public money, that is, with our money, with the results that everyone knows. In this way it promotes the most rampant amateurism and mediocrity or "not art".
So the 'good artist, one who paints the future, genius, if he wants to be recognized, and emerge from the masses of dirty-cloth, should emigrate, as always.
But sometimes there is the exception, especially when the stranger arrives, even if unknown in his country, to which the institutions open up all doors, including television. So I wonder if anyone can answer, the same treatment is reserved for Italian artists, when they want to exhibit their works abroad? Frankly to me it does not appear. The Italian government and the citizens, in particular, still do not realize that for a long time we are invaded by a cultural presence obsolete and false, that does not tell, as in the past, customs, customs and problems, corruption and the tragedies of our century, those who come after us. A culture that seeks to exclude our ancient culture, figurative art and Renaissance art, replacing it with a pseudo negative culture and nothingness.
A kind of cultural colonialism and trade, without triggering una guerra per la conquista del territorio, come nel passato. Stessa cosa si può dire in fatto di religione.
Piergiorgio Colautti
Pittore e scultore in Roma