Friday, January 13, 2006

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Bush-Merkel, a disagreement over Guantanamo

first official meeting at the White House for German Chancellor Angela Merkel and now a disagreement. The object is the special U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay. Chancellor German said he had raised the issue of legitimacy of the prison in Cuba, referring to the existence of different opinions on the subject. Bush has admitted that Merkel "has raised the issue" and he did so "in the world there are misunderstandings about the function of the base and the manner in which the detention of Bush and Merkel at the press conference (AFP) prisoners of war on terrorism. The U.S. president said that the differences in perception are the result of "misunderstanding" of what the prison at Guantanamo is inviting journalists to visit.

'indispensable' - Responding to the question whether it will close, Bush said that it "is necessary for the security of America. " Bush has defended the notion that the suspected terrorists of the base in Cuba, which the White House considers "enemy combatants" should be tried by military tribunals. Merkel has stressed that the issue was discussed in terms of 'open', 'there are differences "between the two countries. On the other hand, "I said clearly," said the Chancellor "that Germany, like other European countries, must find a convincing strategy for dealing with these prisoners who do not feel bound by any law."

'NEW YEAR' - in a joint press conference with Bush at the end of their meeting at the White House, Merkel called for in each case opening "a new chapter" in US-German relations. Even Bush has proposed "an important agreement" between him and Merkel, having mentioned "the disagreement" which, in the recent past, there have been between the two countries, especially the invasion of Iraq.

Iran crisis - The two leaders also discussed the Iranian case. Bush said that the U.S. will attempt to resolve the crisis over Iran's nuclear program by diplomatic means. "We have important work to do on key issues such as Iran," the president said. "We talked about the Iranian issue and the desire to solve the problem through diplomatic means working together, ' added. Merkel added that intimidation will not be a country like Iran.

Source: Corriere della Sera

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complicit Agca and Bulgarian Stasi?

Even the German media, and television to print media, have given wide coverage to the news on the release of the attack on Pope Ali Agca. In particular we have highlighted the many sides of the story is still obscure, such as the possible involvement of the Bulgarian secret services and the Stasi in the attack to the Pope.

He writes on this subject the weekly "Der Spiegel "
Ali Agca himself poked le speculazioni relative ad un coinvolgimento dei servizi segreti bulgari. Prima di un interrogatorio disse ad alcuni giornalisti italiani: “ho commesso l’attentato assieme ad Antonoff. L’attentato è stato organizzato dal KGB.” Il bulgaro Sergej Antonoff, vice capo degli uffici romani della Balkan Air, in quel periodo si trovava in carcerazione preventiva per la presunta partecipazione all’attentato al Papa. Sofia, naturalmente, respingeva queste accuse e accusò, a sua volta, i servizi segreti occidentali guidati dalla CIA.

Secondo la Birthler-Behörde , l’ente che lavora sulle vicende legate alla Stasi, i bulgari furono aiutati anche dalla “Hauptverwaltung Aufklärung” di Markus Wolf . Il ministero di Mielke (Stasi) aveva degli infiltrati a Roma che erano stati attivati per tale finalità.
Leggi inoltre: Flowers for Agca, After 25 Years in Jail (Der Spiegel International)

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Come dichiarato dal ministro della giustizia del Land Baden-Württemberg, Ulrich Goll (FDP), il questionario per i richiedenti la cittadinanza tedesca, che aveva suscitato aspre polemiche ed un acceso dibattito tra il governo del Land e le varie organizzazioni dei migranti, verrà profondamente modificato. In particolare dovranno scomparire le domande che indagano sulla propria attitudine nei confronti dell'omosessualità. Also required to complete the questionnaire will be extended to all applicants for German citizenship (for now only those applicants of the Islamic faith are required to answer questions from the questionnaire).


Monday, January 9, 2006

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Merkel expressed on the questionnaire against Guantanamo

A few days after his official visit to the United States, the German chancellor, during un'intevista issued to the weekly "Der Spiegel", has called for the closure of U.S. prison in Guantanamo, "an institution like Guantanamo can not and should not exist." In sottolinera the need for a different treatment of prisoners Angela Merkel has expressed, in addition, that does not explicitly ask the closure of the prison to the Bush administration, but that will not fail to express their views critical of U.S. President.

statements of German leaders have gathered a large consensus in the German Parliament, both by members of the Grand Coalition and the opposition leader. The secretary of the Greens, Claudia Roth, called on the Chancellor to send a clear message to George Bush, both as regards the closure of Guantanamo is to get a clarification about the secret CIA flights over German territory and the voices on the presence of prisons secret in Eastern Europe.

Secretary of Liberals, Guido Westerwelle, stressed the universality del principio dell'inviolabilità della dignità umana, il quale "deve essere valido per tutti in ogni parte del mondo, quindi anche per i nostri alleati americani".
La risposta americana, tuttavia, non si è fatta attendere: "Guantanamo ha una finalità precisa, proteggere il mondo civilizzato da alcune persone estremamente pericolose".

Fonte: Der Spiegel (in inglese)

Saturday, January 7, 2006

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you still beating your wife? Back

Ecco alcune delle domande del questionario che i richiedenti la cittadinanza tedesca di fede islamica devono compilare nel Baden-Württemberg ( vedi post del 5 gennaio 2006 ):

  • Condivide l'affermazione according to which the wife must obey her husband and that he is allowed to beat her if she did not do it?
  • in Germany for women and men have the principle of equality of the sexes. Agrees with this principle? Things should state your opinion, when a man does not accept this principle?
  • What profession, in your opinion, should never be exercised by a woman? She would have some difficulty accepting a woman in leadership positions?
  • In Germany, every person may freely choose to seek treatment from a medical man or woman. In some situations, however, the choice is not possible (eg emergency situations). Would you be willing, In this case, to seek treatment from a medical man (for women) or a female doctor (for men).
  • His adult daughter / your wife wants to dress the same way the German women and girls. Attempts to prevent it? If so, how?
  • your daughter or sister comes home and says she was sexually harassed. How she behaves as a father / mother / brother / sister?
  • She learns that the people in your neighborhood, his friends and acquaintances took part in a terrorist attack or seeking to do so. How does he behave?
  • According to her, the attacks of 11 September 2001 in New York and 11 March 2004 in Madrid are to be considered terroristi o combattenti per la libertà?
  • Alcune persone pensano che gli ebrei siano responsabili per tutti i mali del mondo e, talvolta, si afferma che gli ebrei siano stati i "mandanti" degli attentati dell'11 settembre 2001 a New York. Cosa pensa di queste affermazioni?
  • Sua figlia invia un curriculum per un posto di lavoro in Germania, ma viene rifiutata. Successivamente lei viene a sapere che il posto è stato assegnato ad una ragazza di colore della Somalia. Come si comporta?
  • Se suo figlio maggiorenne dovesse venire da lei per confessarle di essere omosessuale e di voler andare a convivere con una altro uomo, lei come reagirebbe?
  • Diversi esponenti politici tedeschi hanno dichiarato pubblicamente to be gay. What do you think and evaluate the fact that a gay is of public office?
Source: TAZ , Telepolis

Friday, January 6, 2006

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Already a few weeks after reaching the hard-won agreement on the "Grand Coalition" government of the two partners (SPD and CDU / CSU) you must re-election campaigns in the provinces to compare Rhenania-Palatinate, Baden Württemberg and Sachsen-Anhalt (to vote March 26).

In this regard the leadership of the CDU said it would continue the work of the Grand Coalition in a constructive manner. The ministropresidente Hesse, Roland Koch, has however stressed that this should not lead to a renunciation of the self-profile of the CDU. "The CDU," Koch continued, "will not focus on what to like and sorry to the SPD".

Kurt Beck (SPD) has however warned the coalition partners not to use too polemical attacks during the upcoming electoral competitions in order not to endanger the Grand Coalition.

Thursday, January 5, 2006

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Germany, a test for Muslims. The charge: "This 'discrimination'

line of firmness in Baden-Wuerttemberg to radical Muslims seeking German citizenship. The rich Southwestern Land conservative German, chose first a drastic measure that sparked controversy in the country. The government of Stuttgart calls from January 1 to every Muslim who comes from a country of the Islamic Conference and wants to become German to undergo an interview and a questionnaire to prove his identification with the secular democracy, with equality between women and men and rejection of violence, the founding values \u200b\u200bof the Germany of today.

"in danger of creating a general suspicion towards Muslims," \u200b\u200bnotes the Social Democrat interior minister of Berlin, Erhart Koerting. The radical left (the neo-communist Eastern Europe and Lafontaine, opposition) speak of discrimination. The top Social Democrats (the SPD is in government at national level with Chancellor Angela Merkel's CDU) rather silent. The initiative Party in the wake of several cases of young women of Turkish origin murdered by their fathers or brothers because they refused to arranged marriages or subjection to the family and the alarm raised by the revolt of the banlieues in France and fundamentalist violence in the Netherlands.

The government defends itself in Stuttgart: the three million Muslims in Germany over a fifth reject the Constitution as anti-Islamic, and in many mosques preach the violent rejection of European society. Muslims must seek to identify in a modern nation, that is a community based on the founding values \u200b\u200band not on ethnicity as it was under the Kaiser and then Hitler.

The questionnaire asks: What do you think of those who say that the wife must obey the man, and that man's right to beat her if he does not obey? You just have to decide who their children marry? Is it right to prevent his wife and daughter to dress in Western? What do you think the September 11 attacks? What about the allegations that Jews are responsible for all the ills of the world? Join a party unconstitutional because it prohibited? Voices of the radical left speak of discrimination, but the reformist wing of the SPD (as Peter Schneider, of which we publish an article) proposes a long time that the premise of the integration of Islam in Europe is to ask the Muslim residents express adhesion the founding values \u200b\u200bof Europe.
The Republic

Wednesday, January 4, 2006

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The CSU wants to return to nuclear

So in Italy as in Germany, the crisis of the gas pipeline between Russia and Ukraine has rekindled the nuclear energy debate.
During a planning conference held in Wildbad Kreuth of the CSU, the Federal Economics Minister Michael Glos (CSU), has questioned the decision taken by the previous government to gradually turn off the nuclear power plants in Germany.
Glos said that "the abandonment of energy sources, especially in the light of what happened in the last days, may not be based on ideological "and announced that the topic will be part of the next energy summit convened by Chancellor Angela Merkel.
SPD's response to that proposal does not was immediate: the Environment Minister Sigmar Gabriel has stressed that the abandonment of nuclear power and laws of the state, the content of which was reaffirmed by the SPD and the CDU / CSU in their coalition agreement.