Ecco alcune delle domande del questionario che i richiedenti la cittadinanza tedesca di fede islamica devono compilare nel Baden-Württemberg ( vedi post del 5 gennaio 2006 ):
- Condivide l'affermazione according to which the wife must obey her husband and that he is allowed to beat her if she did not do it?
- in Germany for women and men have the principle of equality of the sexes. Agrees with this principle? Things should state your opinion, when a man does not accept this principle?
- What profession, in your opinion, should never be exercised by a woman? She would have some difficulty accepting a woman in leadership positions?
- In Germany, every person may freely choose to seek treatment from a medical man or woman. In some situations, however, the choice is not possible (eg emergency situations). Would you be willing, In this case, to seek treatment from a medical man (for women) or a female doctor (for men).
- His adult daughter / your wife wants to dress the same way the German women and girls. Attempts to prevent it? If so, how?
- your daughter or sister comes home and says she was sexually harassed. How she behaves as a father / mother / brother / sister?
- She learns that the people in your neighborhood, his friends and acquaintances took part in a terrorist attack or seeking to do so. How does he behave?
- According to her, the attacks of 11 September 2001 in New York and 11 March 2004 in Madrid are to be considered terroristi o combattenti per la libertà?
- Alcune persone pensano che gli ebrei siano responsabili per tutti i mali del mondo e, talvolta, si afferma che gli ebrei siano stati i "mandanti" degli attentati dell'11 settembre 2001 a New York. Cosa pensa di queste affermazioni?
- Sua figlia invia un curriculum per un posto di lavoro in Germania, ma viene rifiutata. Successivamente lei viene a sapere che il posto è stato assegnato ad una ragazza di colore della Somalia. Come si comporta?
- Se suo figlio maggiorenne dovesse venire da lei per confessarle di essere omosessuale e di voler andare a convivere con una altro uomo, lei come reagirebbe?
- Diversi esponenti politici tedeschi hanno dichiarato pubblicamente to be gay. What do you think and evaluate the fact that a gay is of public office?
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