Thursday, January 5, 2006

High School Bag Wikipedia

Germany, a test for Muslims. The charge: "This 'discrimination'

line of firmness in Baden-Wuerttemberg to radical Muslims seeking German citizenship. The rich Southwestern Land conservative German, chose first a drastic measure that sparked controversy in the country. The government of Stuttgart calls from January 1 to every Muslim who comes from a country of the Islamic Conference and wants to become German to undergo an interview and a questionnaire to prove his identification with the secular democracy, with equality between women and men and rejection of violence, the founding values \u200b\u200bof the Germany of today.

"in danger of creating a general suspicion towards Muslims," \u200b\u200bnotes the Social Democrat interior minister of Berlin, Erhart Koerting. The radical left (the neo-communist Eastern Europe and Lafontaine, opposition) speak of discrimination. The top Social Democrats (the SPD is in government at national level with Chancellor Angela Merkel's CDU) rather silent. The initiative Party in the wake of several cases of young women of Turkish origin murdered by their fathers or brothers because they refused to arranged marriages or subjection to the family and the alarm raised by the revolt of the banlieues in France and fundamentalist violence in the Netherlands.

The government defends itself in Stuttgart: the three million Muslims in Germany over a fifth reject the Constitution as anti-Islamic, and in many mosques preach the violent rejection of European society. Muslims must seek to identify in a modern nation, that is a community based on the founding values \u200b\u200band not on ethnicity as it was under the Kaiser and then Hitler.

The questionnaire asks: What do you think of those who say that the wife must obey the man, and that man's right to beat her if he does not obey? You just have to decide who their children marry? Is it right to prevent his wife and daughter to dress in Western? What do you think the September 11 attacks? What about the allegations that Jews are responsible for all the ills of the world? Join a party unconstitutional because it prohibited? Voices of the radical left speak of discrimination, but the reformist wing of the SPD (as Peter Schneider, of which we publish an article) proposes a long time that the premise of the integration of Islam in Europe is to ask the Muslim residents express adhesion the founding values \u200b\u200bof Europe.
The Republic


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