Thursday, July 29, 2010

Motorola V9phone Tools

“The only one was a sweet talkin’ son of a preacher man” - Woven Hand - Bush Hall - 01/06/10

During the month of June, perhaps because of the World Cup, there were many concerts that have caught my attention, in London.
The only "must" and 'was that of Woven Hand, David Eugene Edwards, June 1 last year, the Bush Hall.
I discovered David Eugene Edwards, coincidentally, just four years ago, mea culpa.
'm still going to rediscover the discography of 16 Horsepower who have not had great success in England but, oddly, a huge following in Holland, where he also came to number one on the charts. The single
that my interest did arise, was their cover of "The Partisan" by Leonard Cohen in 1998, in collaboration with my venerable Noir Desir.
One of the covers that appear to be dell'orginale best, thrilling.
At my personal equation Woven Hand "which was linked via Noir Desir, this year, and 'added even Josh Pearson, who opened their concert in Paris. Needless to explain, but sometimes in life, there are subtle lines that intertwine and play with your destiny. But let's
Woven Hand and their spiritual leader David Eugene Edwards.
David Eugene Pearson and Josh as' the son of a preacher. Raised in an environment mystical and religious Colorado, which is half 'way between the Bibble Belt and Utah, where more' than half a million Mormons, the young David Eugene can not 'to bring these influences in his musical career. In the texts and music of 16 Horsepower Woven Hand of that, there are several references to the axes of good and evil, redemption and spiritual conflict, but also the historical record of Colorado, a land marked by the blood of thousands of Indians during the mad rush gold. Texts quinid deep, topped by musical atmospheres that evoke the Gun Club and the Bad Seeds Nick Cave. Tonight
the day after the release of their eighth album "The Treshingfloor, the Woven Hand are passing through London. I do not have time to see the Black Phoenix Crippled Hand Wooven that are already 'on Paclite. Bass, drums, guitar (+ keyboards and various devices) and he, the mighty preacher, David Eugene with a black bowler hat sitting beside the stage. It 's a strong concert. While the three musicians weave the musical background, David Eugene keeps pace with her boots for the entire concert and struggles between electric guitar, acoustic, mandolin and harmonica. From its two microphones, which use to change the voice as if it came from beyond the grave, calls to stay away from the demons of evil in us and seek the truth 'spiritual. A strange calm is established in the room, as if there was a suffocating cloud over our heads. We are all paralyzed dalla presenza di Father David Eugene Edwards. Ci facciamo trasportare lungo tutta la discografia di questi otto anni: l’ononimo Wooven Hand, Consider the Birds, la maggior parte dei pezzi e' tratta dal loro stupendo "The Treshingfloor" e prima della fine del concerto, il temporale si scatena...e poi il silenzio. Mi sveglio dall’ipnosi in macchina. Faccio partire il motore. Fuori piove, mentre osservo il riverbero delle luci sull’autostrada, mi viene in mente il soliloquio di Jacob in “A prayer for the dying” di Stewart O’Nan: "'It's not right,' you say "Who are you angry with? "Not God "No? Who else is there? Is this the devil's work? "It must be, you think, but uncertainly". Bene o male, non so se sia, ma il verbo di David Eugene e' entrato definitvamente in me e ne sono ora una fervente addetta.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Body Fortress Vs Optimum Nutrition

Coffee? Yes thank you, with ... the "coffee" T3 Arnold Rapid Megarails! The spiritual journey of

This small "coffee" is my first locomotive scale N!
Or rather, it is my first locomotive ever non-Lima, who arrived with two other locomotives of the house of Vicenza. In another post you talk about my discovery of the scale N. A discovery shy and quiet. they needed a point of no return for becoming a true "ennista.
Imagine you want to throw, for example by a bridge, you are poised on the edge but do not have the courage to actually do it (it says "Who wants non vuole"). Passa un tipo, vi osserva e, pensando di agevolarvi, vi dà una spinta e giù! Ecco, mio padre: uno a caso, è stato colui che mi ha dato la spinta nella scala N!
Ma lui non è mai stato ennista, mi ha semplicemente passato il materiale che aveva e che descrivo in altro post, tra cui questa piccola e generosissima T3 della Arnold-Rapido, acquistata nel 1965.
Bella, quasi intonsa. Telaio e carrozzeria di metallo pressofuso. La metto sui binari di un improvvisato ovale, per verificare che "respiri". Fuma, puzza, singhiozza, scorreggia ma si mette in moto! Se non per la prima volta, sicuramente the second or third. The firm almost immediately, you need a brush up of mechanics, stood still for too long.
took it down completely, the models of the past are less complicated to disassemble, reassemble and also because there are screws and not those of joints ... damn frame, bodywork, Cast Iron, a bathroom with running gear and transmission toothbrush and a drop of washing up liquid! Afterwards, dry thoroughly. I do not have the courage of my age or dirty trains, with some very special case I want to see them ever forward.

The engine, but only if it is easy dismounting. I clean the magnets and the collector industries with a drop of alcohol and a cotton swab, then reinstalling everything. The brushes are ok because practically new, only to be made attention to the spring pressure on them during their assembly: if you push a little, the poor do not brush properly transmit the current sull'indotto and will wear more quickly, if you push too much, same result for wear.
The engine, with two drops of lubricant on the "bushes", or media, is now ready to run as is, with a few volts, connected to the transformer to control that runs as it should. I use the Marklin, is a thick oil, just a drop. (However, once I also used oil Rivarossi)
Before reassembling mechanical thoroughly clean each slat, outlet, shoe: Roco, therefore, the rubber is more than enough, provided you do not brush too hard. The remount taking care not to tamper too much on the axles or wheels. N scale friction every parasite you feel!

The running gear should be mounted carefully, here I do not need to lubricate the axles rely on anti-friction metal. The spindle drive requires only a drop of oil for each medium, where we support the tiny washers. Strongly advised not to lubricate the gears, I did it with a GE U36B to me that Bachmann scompisciato literally the rails! I had never done ... I have not managed to degrease it! Do not do it ...
I mount the engine in place and let it run 1-2 minutes to a minimum in both directions the locomotive, but not on the tracks, just to make it stretch a little, 'just as soon be in motion. It will seem strange but it's relaxed feel make a good model to a minimum, it's like when I listen to the least developed quite a motor, gearing and hear all the sounds turn 'round. "
graft body in the beautiful Die-Cast, screw the funnel that ensures everything and off you go, on the rails. The minimum at full voltage is not the best but once in motion the little quieter T3 forward and regular. Switch on the half-wave transformer to obtain a more realistic driving and T3 starts softly. Its engine, despite the more than 40 years of age, with no problems digesting the half-wave power.
I use it to run on a little plastic 'material-era II and III, among which there are some coaches and freight wagons two-axle of the first ever production of Arnold-Rapido. Diecast metal frame with delicate details, but even then the rich details.
only weak point, the current collectors to step on trade, especially when the heart is not electrified or no additional power outlet strips such as Fleischmann. Because of his age, my T3 can not make Shunter! However I partially solved the problem, brushing the throats of the heart conductive liquid such as that sold by Busch (art. 5900). I once laid out in 1990 and still endures. And my little coffee benefits from ...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Trans Camila Rodrígues

"La schiva diva" - Hope Sandoval and the Warm of Invention - 25/05/2010/Bush Hall/London

Hope Sandoval fa parte di quelle poche cantanti donne che sono rimaste integre alla loro musica e lontana dalle luci della ribalta. Venni in contatto dei dischi di Hope Sandoval con il progetto Mazzy Star, nato dalle ceneri del gruppo Opal e creazione di uno dei chitarristi più importanti della scena del Paisley Underground nonché fondatore dei Rain Parade (uno dei miei gruppi preferiti in assoluto): David Roback. L’ultimo disco dei Mazzy Star uscì nel 1996 e da allora Hope Sandoval si e’ data da fare partecipando a vari progetti paralleli tra cui “Hope Sandoval and the Warm of Invention "which works with Colm O 'My Bloody Valentine drummer Ciosoig tonight show at Bush Hall in London. An evening so missed. "Tonight, the photographs are not permitted during the concert," and kindly 'pointed out the doors of the Bush Hall, reflects the idea of \u200b\u200bthe character of Hope Sandoval reserved. I do not wonder. The Bush Hall is a perfect picture for these kinds of concerts: crystal chandeliers, antique mirrors, and red drapes hanging from the walls. With a delay worthy of a diva takes the stage at ten along with Colm and four other musicians. The sound is nothing short of smashing two guitars, bass, keyboard and battery Colm for this small room. Hope Sandoval's voice you can not even feel and is lost in this chaos. There 's something wrong and feels. Hope Sandoval and a bit 'embarrassed, the entry is wrong with the harmonica and run continuously the stern look, his musicians, worthy of the photon beams of Mazinger Z. You hear a lot of tension on stage and Colm O'Ciosoig only seems to continue undaunted on his way, happy in her rollers and plates. And the darkness that envelops the room with only the projections of fragmented images on the screen, certainly does not help to create a more relaxed environment. At this point I really want to leave, a concert that makes me uncomfortable, but I insist. After Hope some piece jumps to xylophone and it seems a bit 'more' relaxed, there is a reversal of the rhythm and the pieces become slower and less cacophonous. I allow myself to waste time by Hope Sandoval's voice, almost subdued by these dark atmosphere and "lynchiane" and there appears a photographer on the stage that the machine gun on every corner, and horror! moves the musicians during the pieces to get a better angle of our diva. But the photos were not banned tonight? So Hope is not an artist does seem as shy, it seems rather a person who wants to have control over everything and everyone: his image, his music. There is no 'what to say, I am a bit' stunned. After fifty minutes of the concert the band disappeared backstage and returned with a stunning version of "Satellites" That alone is 'worth the whole concert and my twenty years of faithfulness to the creative' genius and Hope Sandoval.

Friday, July 16, 2010

No Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies, Quaker

"Holy Fuck in Heaven" - Holy Fuck - Heaven - London - 24/05/10

Another Canadian band? Yes, yes, a lot of Canadian music in recent months in London, with the top Canadian Blast Festival in late June.
In reality 'the evening, this May 24, begins with a concert at the scale of the international "Former Utopia." After seeing Clare briefly greet the public for her appearance, threw me into the car to cross London Embankment and reach a dark bunker near the River Thames: the Heaven. This club, known to be a gay nightclub and / or trans, is giving in London, a number of live groups among the more 'interesting time.
Tonight is the turn of Holy Fuck that you can simply translate the term "wow", although less effective.
"Holy Fuck" is surely what Borcherd Graham Walsh and Brian had to make during the first manipulation of sounds and beats them for this project which is located at the Gang of Four, Kraftwerk and Trans AM.
Accompanying them on the stage there are Matt McQuaid on bass and drums to an old acquaintance: Matt Schultz (ex-Enon), one of the most 'friendly and affable drummer I had the opportunity to cross in the past. The rhythmic line supported by two interwoven with various noises Matt structured Graham and Brian create their microphones away goal 'swallowed, computers, mixers, melodic, and various other toys and electronic devices, including a synchronizer for films 35mm. WOW! A frenzy of sound and rhythm. An audience in raptures lost in frenzied dances and enthusiastic shouts of strobe lights. And out of the concert, the calm. Across the bridge to Embankment. Suffused with the sound of a saxophone blends with the sound of my footsteps. The distant lights of St. Paul and Canary Wharf, Big Ben and the elegance of the full moon like a diamond that engages in London Eye.
A light, warm breeze blowing on the Thames today, pre-announcement of a long hot summer. I still have an echo in the ears of the incredible sound of Holy Fuck, I stopped a few minutes to observe silence in this town 'I love every day more and more'. Holy Fuck! That 's my & our London!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What Type Of Engineer For Cars

Il rock degli androidi giapponesi - Japandroids - Garage- London - 20/05/10

I had almost finished writing some thoughts on the concert that the whole and Japandroids' lost: File Deleted. Ah technology!. At least when you write by hand, so the draft will not disappear 'suddenly.
But we come to the concert. Arrival awfully late to the garage, although it is only a couple of miles from home, 2.49KM for the accuracy, completeness, I just calculated on Google thanks to the powers of the Internet. The Yuck
have just finished, time to go to bars and Japandroids, are ready to bomb us with vital energy.
early rock and roll looks good already 'felt for some time and then slowly start to move the bodies and heads to shake back and forth. Not that the British public has ever been before delirium in a band, from what I remember. Sara 'that must always be careful not to spill the beer in their hand.
Japandroids and 'primarily a touring band, in less than a year they made more' than 250 dates. You see, feel, and live the 'essence and its dominant element. Although the music of
Japandroids and 'definitely less intellectual and ironic of No Means No, the good school punk of Victoria (Canada) led the way these two guys and they are the worthy heirs. Training and 'Elementary: Brian King on vocals, guitar, drums and David Prowse. Split, there's no 'what to say. This evening we have masterfully got an hour of sweat, and punk rock and roll. And every time, does great good.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Write Something About You Facebook Psecial


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Caffeine Swiss Miss No Sugar Added

Megarails - Part I

My initiation into the world of model railways passed naturally from the packaging of toy trains.

After a timid "survey" with a Lima Crick (scale 1:45), my dad gave the first lunge at Christmas 1971. Lima HO Classic Pack with "Turtle", two coaches Y, oval with two switches and transformer. Another more than the smallest, dry batteries, shunter FS, I fancy, two coaches and a simple oval. The exchanges were electrical I'm using them on my old HO today. I played there but not too much, then fascinated by cars and Lego, and still put a strain on the resistance of trains in Vicenza, very strong.
Dad for a while 'time mounted above the oval track on a plywood board 160x100 cm ... now that I think, was a clear and deliberate subliminal message, but I was still young! I was not aware of what to expect. For example, today's kids are smarter. For example, the first time I sat my daughter, born in 2007, on my bike had already learned all of his future was all ... enjoyed! ...

P apa tried again in 1972 package with a small battery-powered steam engine and two freight wagons, simple oval that enriched the budget year. It was a season of transition, I liked a lot of cars in 1:13 scale Pocher. Some I gave her mine, others are recent purchases in the markets. I remember in particular the Fiat 125 of the Pocher and Alpine-Renault A310 bought in France. Those of my childhood, are partly to replace but I still have them all! Then he dreamed of the Big Jim, the legendary soldiers Atlantic ...

Il mio paziente e tenace padre, "marklinista" convinto, mi diede la spallata definitiva nel Natale del 1974.
Confezione a "otto" con ponte girevole e viadotto, treno francese "Le Capitole" con locomotiva BB 9200, due carrozze GC - Capitole e un carro per auto al seguito. Più una marea di binari e scambi sciolti, un trasformatore per i treni e uno per gli scambi, una stazione con semaforo e altri accessori. Trovai tutto sul divano di casa: una cosa che non dimenticherò mai.
Il danno era fatto: il trenino diventò il mio gioco preferito. Di sempre. Ho avuto e ho ancora altre passioni, sono motociclista for a lifetime, but a passion between both of them are still linked to the model railroad.
also found the new packaging a catalog a little 'richer than the previous brochure. leafed through in the days following this catalog and found a world, where there was a multitude of rolling stock and accessories that could expand even more the possibility of my game.
Meanwhile I was discovering the world of real trains, so found myself in this interesting book, the E 646 and E 645, which had seen many times Frejus on the line when I went to the mountains.
Hilarious that the curtain was put up for the first time Dad took me to Milan. I made the third degree by the driver of the rapid we had just come down: I noticed that his face had the E 444 "belly" than the "Turtle" Lima I owned and asked him to explain ... and tell me that my model It was the prototype and the 444 "belly" was the real locomotive series. I felt a bit 'cheated by Lima, my father, back, laughing in his sleeve!
And the worst was yet to come ... when in my ears rang for the first time the word "plastic plastic "...... ...... plastic. ......

Monday, July 5, 2010

Pudhari Diwali Ank 2010

GREAT EUROPEAN plastic Megarails

The "flagships" that you see in these photos are the locomotives of the largest fleet of rolling stock "European" Megarails. I have purchased over the years for two reasons: I was always fascinated as a child, I have also known the truth, and I think they are in the various railway authorities, the most representative.

From left: DB 103, Arnold, produced in the late '90s; CC 6500 SNCF TEE in colors, of Minitrix, produced in 2003;
152 DB livery "Siemens", of minitrix, produced in 2004; FS E 444, Rivarossi of the old group (1975).

The operation of the three German-built locomotives is impeccable, but because "you do not give the" it should be obvious. surprising, but not too sweet and powerful running of the "Turtle" Rivarossi despite his age. It only takes a careful lubrication of the transmission to avoid overloading the engine too. Personally, I own other RR models, the Americans and with the engine mounted directly on a trolley, vertical, and in this case the operation is more "rude" than Italian, which has the shaft drive.

Aesthetically, the E 444 Como holds very well the impact over time. In fact, the CC 6500 French is very well finished, but the DB 152 is appreciated more for its march to the wealth of detail, partly because the real motive is the rather simple and without too many "ammenicoli" ... apart from the Speech DB 103: well done and the market you can not buy with a little 'luck, even below 100 €.

Patron Saint Of Head Lice

Tra caos politico e musicale. Boredoms - Forum - London 11/05/10

New York 07/07/2007 at 7:07 pm at the striking the Empire-Fulton Ferry State Park, located between the bridge Brooklyn and to Manhattan, seventy-seven of the most famous drummers of the so-called alternative scene gathered for the event organized by the most ingenious Japanese noise-rock band: 77 Boadrum of Boredoms. Among those present
David Grubbs, Chris Brokaw, Jeff Salani, Kid Millions, Tim De Witt, Mat Schulz, Brian Chippendale. Los Angeles at the
08/08/2008 08:08, 88 Boadrum, with eighty-eight drummers.
New York 09/09/2009 at 09:09 Boadrum nine, with nine drummers.
London 11/05/10. Tonight will be 'a 7 Boadrum so no date or time symbolic. Although 11/05/10 and 'an important date. 7 tonight will Boadrum 'the first concert of the era of coalition government between the Tories and Lib Dem, the so-called "hung parliament". An event of musical chaos in parallel with the start of the political chaos, even the concept of six Boadrum and 'much more' simple concept of "Hung Parliament" or that it would seem.
Boadrum, and 'word salad between the buoy and drum, a boa music vibrating from head to tail, this way each battery, which forms one of the parts of the body of the buoy.
Tonight, the buoy and 'composed by Hisham Bharoocha of Black Dice, Zach Hill of Hella! , Kid Millions of Oneida, butchy Fugedo of Pit Er Patt, Jeremy Hyman of Ponytail, and here, I must say I found it hard to recognize everyone.
the commands of the brain as always, the Boredoms: the shaman Yamantaka Eye to electronic devices, Yoshimi P-We on drums (yes, it 'just her, Yoshimi, inspiration for "Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots" The Flaming Lips) and Senju Muneomi on bass. Oddly, you do not see Yojiro Tatekawa.
Yamantaka Eye opened the concert with her cries and dances primitive, clocked by the battery of Yoshimi P-We followed in his delirium by the other five drummers.
At some point it seems that the pace moving through the crowd and you will see, from a dark corner of the room, irresistible about the battery, Yojiro Tatekawa, which is' carried on his shoulders like a ceremony. The effect seen from the right side of the stage where I am, and 'amazing. Yojiro seems to float the crowd. At some point the battery "waterborne", stops in front of the stage, the drummers on stage stop and a sunny part of Yojro. It seems almost a ritual scene, Yojiro seems to have to decipher a code "rhythm" to access the stage. Once accepted onto the stage, 7 Boadrum can 'begin. Tribal Rhythm
for almost an hour and a half concert. Seven drummers who followed the cries of primate Yamantaka Eye, and / or his improvisations on the guitar and electronic devices to seven handles. Yes, a guitar with seven necks, or the "Sevener" or "Seven", which appeared for the first time on stage for a tour of the Boredoms with Iron & Wine in 1998 (wow, that odd musical pairing!). In addition to hitting the "Sevener" with your hands, use an auction Yamantaka Eye and his dread when it is not 'engaged in shamanic dances in the midst of the seven drummers that perform spectacular change of pace. The concert and 'powerful and also surprised to see so drummers' coordinated in a vortex, without end. It is both an element of research oringario rhythm of the world and is a spirit of mere amusement common among drummers. Elements that are also found in the collective Japanese Kodo. The concert ends. Many of these have the impression that he lost hearing, but perhaps this was the purpose of the Boredoms: make a clean sweep of our perception hearing not to make us feel what's going on out there, the seat of government.