Thursday, July 29, 2010

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“The only one was a sweet talkin’ son of a preacher man” - Woven Hand - Bush Hall - 01/06/10

During the month of June, perhaps because of the World Cup, there were many concerts that have caught my attention, in London.
The only "must" and 'was that of Woven Hand, David Eugene Edwards, June 1 last year, the Bush Hall.
I discovered David Eugene Edwards, coincidentally, just four years ago, mea culpa.
'm still going to rediscover the discography of 16 Horsepower who have not had great success in England but, oddly, a huge following in Holland, where he also came to number one on the charts. The single
that my interest did arise, was their cover of "The Partisan" by Leonard Cohen in 1998, in collaboration with my venerable Noir Desir.
One of the covers that appear to be dell'orginale best, thrilling.
At my personal equation Woven Hand "which was linked via Noir Desir, this year, and 'added even Josh Pearson, who opened their concert in Paris. Needless to explain, but sometimes in life, there are subtle lines that intertwine and play with your destiny. But let's
Woven Hand and their spiritual leader David Eugene Edwards.
David Eugene Pearson and Josh as' the son of a preacher. Raised in an environment mystical and religious Colorado, which is half 'way between the Bibble Belt and Utah, where more' than half a million Mormons, the young David Eugene can not 'to bring these influences in his musical career. In the texts and music of 16 Horsepower Woven Hand of that, there are several references to the axes of good and evil, redemption and spiritual conflict, but also the historical record of Colorado, a land marked by the blood of thousands of Indians during the mad rush gold. Texts quinid deep, topped by musical atmospheres that evoke the Gun Club and the Bad Seeds Nick Cave. Tonight
the day after the release of their eighth album "The Treshingfloor, the Woven Hand are passing through London. I do not have time to see the Black Phoenix Crippled Hand Wooven that are already 'on Paclite. Bass, drums, guitar (+ keyboards and various devices) and he, the mighty preacher, David Eugene with a black bowler hat sitting beside the stage. It 's a strong concert. While the three musicians weave the musical background, David Eugene keeps pace with her boots for the entire concert and struggles between electric guitar, acoustic, mandolin and harmonica. From its two microphones, which use to change the voice as if it came from beyond the grave, calls to stay away from the demons of evil in us and seek the truth 'spiritual. A strange calm is established in the room, as if there was a suffocating cloud over our heads. We are all paralyzed dalla presenza di Father David Eugene Edwards. Ci facciamo trasportare lungo tutta la discografia di questi otto anni: l’ononimo Wooven Hand, Consider the Birds, la maggior parte dei pezzi e' tratta dal loro stupendo "The Treshingfloor" e prima della fine del concerto, il temporale si scatena...e poi il silenzio. Mi sveglio dall’ipnosi in macchina. Faccio partire il motore. Fuori piove, mentre osservo il riverbero delle luci sull’autostrada, mi viene in mente il soliloquio di Jacob in “A prayer for the dying” di Stewart O’Nan: "'It's not right,' you say "Who are you angry with? "Not God "No? Who else is there? Is this the devil's work? "It must be, you think, but uncertainly". Bene o male, non so se sia, ma il verbo di David Eugene e' entrato definitvamente in me e ne sono ora una fervente addetta.


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