Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What Type Of Engineer For Cars

Il rock degli androidi giapponesi - Japandroids - Garage- London - 20/05/10

I had almost finished writing some thoughts on the concert that the whole and Japandroids' lost: File Deleted. Ah technology!. At least when you write by hand, so the draft will not disappear 'suddenly.
But we come to the concert. Arrival awfully late to the garage, although it is only a couple of miles from home, 2.49KM for the accuracy, completeness, I just calculated on Google thanks to the powers of the Internet. The Yuck
have just finished, time to go to bars and Japandroids, are ready to bomb us with vital energy.
early rock and roll looks good already 'felt for some time and then slowly start to move the bodies and heads to shake back and forth. Not that the British public has ever been before delirium in a band, from what I remember. Sara 'that must always be careful not to spill the beer in their hand.
Japandroids and 'primarily a touring band, in less than a year they made more' than 250 dates. You see, feel, and live the 'essence and its dominant element. Although the music of
Japandroids and 'definitely less intellectual and ironic of No Means No, the good school punk of Victoria (Canada) led the way these two guys and they are the worthy heirs. Training and 'Elementary: Brian King on vocals, guitar, drums and David Prowse. Split, there's no 'what to say. This evening we have masterfully got an hour of sweat, and punk rock and roll. And every time, does great good.


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