Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Caffeine Swiss Miss No Sugar Added

Megarails - Part I

My initiation into the world of model railways passed naturally from the packaging of toy trains.

After a timid "survey" with a Lima Crick (scale 1:45), my dad gave the first lunge at Christmas 1971. Lima HO Classic Pack with "Turtle", two coaches Y, oval with two switches and transformer. Another more than the smallest, dry batteries, shunter FS, I fancy, two coaches and a simple oval. The exchanges were electrical I'm using them on my old HO today. I played there but not too much, then fascinated by cars and Lego, and still put a strain on the resistance of trains in Vicenza, very strong.
Dad for a while 'time mounted above the oval track on a plywood board 160x100 cm ... now that I think, was a clear and deliberate subliminal message, but I was still young! I was not aware of what to expect. For example, today's kids are smarter. For example, the first time I sat my daughter, born in 2007, on my bike had already learned all of his future was all ... enjoyed! ...

P apa tried again in 1972 package with a small battery-powered steam engine and two freight wagons, simple oval that enriched the budget year. It was a season of transition, I liked a lot of cars in 1:13 scale Pocher. Some I gave her mine, others are recent purchases in the markets. I remember in particular the Fiat 125 of the Pocher and Alpine-Renault A310 bought in France. Those of my childhood, are partly to replace but I still have them all! Then he dreamed of the Big Jim, the legendary soldiers Atlantic ...

Il mio paziente e tenace padre, "marklinista" convinto, mi diede la spallata definitiva nel Natale del 1974.
Confezione a "otto" con ponte girevole e viadotto, treno francese "Le Capitole" con locomotiva BB 9200, due carrozze GC - Capitole e un carro per auto al seguito. Più una marea di binari e scambi sciolti, un trasformatore per i treni e uno per gli scambi, una stazione con semaforo e altri accessori. Trovai tutto sul divano di casa: una cosa che non dimenticherò mai.
Il danno era fatto: il trenino diventò il mio gioco preferito. Di sempre. Ho avuto e ho ancora altre passioni, sono motociclista for a lifetime, but a passion between both of them are still linked to the model railroad.
also found the new packaging a catalog a little 'richer than the previous brochure. leafed through in the days following this catalog and found a world, where there was a multitude of rolling stock and accessories that could expand even more the possibility of my game.
Meanwhile I was discovering the world of real trains, so found myself in this interesting book, the E 646 and E 645, which had seen many times Frejus on the line when I went to the mountains.
Hilarious that the curtain was put up for the first time Dad took me to Milan. I made the third degree by the driver of the rapid we had just come down: I noticed that his face had the E 444 "belly" than the "Turtle" Lima I owned and asked him to explain ... and tell me that my model It was the prototype and the 444 "belly" was the real locomotive series. I felt a bit 'cheated by Lima, my father, back, laughing in his sleeve!
And the worst was yet to come ... when in my ears rang for the first time the word "plastic plastic "...... ...... plastic. ......


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